President Buhari made the statement on Thursday night when he hosted members of the Kannywood entertainment industry to a dinner at the Presidential Villa, Abuja. Buhari, while recalling his political struggles since 2003 when he made his first attempt to clinch the presidential seat, lauded Jonathan for accepting defeat in the 2015 general elections. According to him, “I’ll continue to hold former president Jonathan in high esteem as a result of that singular act. “He (Jonathan) was in power as Deputy Governor, Governor (Bayelsa), Vice-President and President, all for about 10 years and he voluntarily accepted defeat and surrendered power to me,’’ he said. Buhari also reassured that the brutal activities of the Boko Haram sect in the country would soon become history. Former President Goodluck Jonathan who contested under the then ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, had called and congratulated the then, victorious Buhari of the All Progressives Congress, APC, party, fo...